Selected Packages

    1. Equate,

    2. The R package equate (Albano, 2011) contains functions for non-IRT equating under

    3. random groups and nonequivalent groups designs. This package vignette introduces

    4. these designs and provides an overview of statistical equating with details about each

    5. of the supported equating methods. Examples demonstrate the basic functionality of

    6. the package.

  1. sem

    1. This package contains functions for fitting general linear

    2. structural equation models (with observed and unobserved

    3. variables) using the RAM approach, and for fitting structural

    4. equations in observed-variable models by two-stage least squares

  2. RMySQL

    1. Database interface and MySQL driver for R. This version complies with the database interface definition as implemented in the package DBI 0.2-2.

      1. Ubuntu Installation : apt-get install r-cran-rmysql